Thursday, October 31, 2019

Read book Mystic River by Dennis Lehane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read book Mystic River by Dennis Lehane - Essay Example In the case of the character of Dave, his ‘tanha’ had caused him to question and even deny God’s rule over the earth. This may be influenced by significant events of Dave’s past, namely the incident of when he is sexually molested which ultimately changes his childhood and his outlook and attitude towards the outside world. Moreover, those around him find him hard to understand, as it is difficult to comprehend him due to the ambiguity of his statements and expressions. This makes him seem like a conspicuous character, suggesting perhaps, that he is ill at ease and unsettled, lacking a sense of peace and direction. There is an internal conflict within Dave, wherein he is struggling with his dark side that not only allures him with satanic temptations, but also forces him to treat others in the same way he had been treated in his life. Again, the theme of the power of the past contributing greatly to the characters is apparent with Jimmy. Jimmy’s atta chment to the past causes him a lack of Apatheia. Despite his efforts to take control of his own life, he finds it difficult to accept the fact that there are certain circumstances for which he has no control over; that is, he cannot go back to the events of his past. This may be exhibited in his question of guilt. These questions have made his wife wonder if is indeed feeling remorse or if his actions are merely an obligation due to his love and responsibility of his daughter. The fact that he himself is conflicted on whether or not he feels guilty further elaborates this. To him, guilt is merely temporary, it comes and goes in passing, but there is a disconnect with true emotions. As he continues to struggle with moving forward with his life, stark reminders of his past continue to plague him. Because is unable to rescue the deeds of his past (his karmas), he remains in an altered form of Apatheia. According to Hindu mythology, a man must face his own karmas for the duration of hi s lifetime (Livingstone). His lack of Apatheia causes him to seek a life of innocence, which is impossible for him. This frustrates him and causes him to lead a life of suffering. Sean on the other hand, is a character who believes in Halakha, which is the idea of a perfect moral ethic. Halakha is a perfect ethical rule that may be able to lead mankind to peace. Sean is a character who had lived a comfortable childhood and partially believes in laws and commandments which may result in a healthy solution. He is one who would have preferred religious ethics such as perfect theocracy to their religious insight. Although Sean’s profession prompts him to bring about law and order, issues in his personal life tempt him to opt to misuse law and order for his own gains. Theological reflection is not only seen in the characters, but in the setting as well. However, the classical approach to religion is replaced by authors and philosophers that may be termed as ‘religious existe ntialist’. Jimmy’s struggles with his actions reflect the kind of punishment described by Dostoevsky in his view of Christianity. His view sees Christianity as closer to spiritualism such as with Hinduism, Islam, and other eastern religions (Dostoevsky, n.p.). In Hinduism, ‘karmas’ leads one to the punishment he must face. In the same way Jimmy’s actions leads him to the punishment he would eventually have to deal with. Jimmy deals with a moral crisis when he reflects on how

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Balance Scorecard for projects by Stewart (2001) Essay

Balance Scorecard for projects by Stewart (2001) - Essay Example On the other hand, it can also be observed that the success of any particular project heavily draws on the performance of the people involved in that particular project. A project is often regarded as a mini organization as a result of the fact that it is more structured and controlled. It can also be noted that different projects have failed to achieve their goals as a result of poor management. â€Å"With a proper performance measurement tool such as the balanced scorecard (BSC), organisations can clarify their vision through measurable goals and outcomes,† (Shepko & Douglas, 1998 as cited in Stewart, 2000, p. 38). Against this background, this essay will discuss the BSC as a more contemporary means of implementing the strategies of an organisation in order to operate viably with the aim of achieving its stated goals. The discussion will heavily draw on the work of Stewart, Kaplan and Norton, Ahn and Prastacos. Particular attention will be given to the work of Stewart (2001) entitled Balanced scorecard for projects. The essay will critique journal the articles by these authors with the aim of discussing their views about this topic which is related to BSC. The paper is structure in different parts and the first part deals with giving an overview of the topic in view of the ideas raised by different authors. In the main, the essay will discuss the findings of different authors about the topic in question. The last part of the essay is based on a critical analysis of a case scenario of BBCL/El Nino/El Dorado. The discussion of this case study will heavily draw on the ideas raised by different authors mentioned above. A conclusion to give the main points discussed in the essay will be given at the end where a personal reflection about the writer’s own perception about the topic will be given. 1.1 Overview of the topic Organisations are currently encountering a revolutionary transformation where industrial age competition is replaced by the information age competition. During the contemporary period, it can be noted that sophisticated financial control systems were developed to monitor efficient allocations of financial and physical capital. Thus, the need for a new approach to the evaluation of value creation of the organisations has led to the development of the balanced scorecard. According to Kaplan and Norton (1996), a balanced scorecard is a strategy that is used to supplement the traditional financial measures with other criteria that measure performance from three additional dimensions which include the following: customers, internal business processes, learning and growth. The BSC can be used to transform the vision of the organisation towards the attainment of its strategic goals. According to these authors, building a scorecard enables the organisation to link its financial budgets with its strategic goals given that it will be easier to monitor the performance of the organisation as a whole through an outlined step by step process. Stewart (2000) suggests th at the goal of every organisation is to do more, better,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Programming Languages: Types and Uses

Programming Languages: Types and Uses 1. Introduction C Programming is a computer language that is structured and disciplined approach to program design. Its a good systems programming language. This is faster than java, more predictable performance and it has low level operations and it has a lot scope for bugs. This C programming has no Boolean type . It is used by using int false is zero and true is non-zero A simple C program int main()Text surrounded by /* and */ is ignored by computer and it is used to describe the program #include Preprocessor directive tells the computer to load contents of a certain file allows standard input/output operations C++ programs contain one or more functions, exactly one of which must be main and Parenthesis is used to indicate a function . int means that main returns an integer value and braces indicate a block.The bodies of all functions must be contained in braces . printf( Welcome to C!n ); Instructs computer to perform an action specifically and prints string of characters within quotes.Entire line is called a statement. All statements must end with a semicolon.- means escape character. Indicates that printf should do something out of the ordinary.n is the newline character return 0; A way to exit a function. return 0, in this case, means that the program terminated normally . Right brace } Indicates end of main has been reached. Linker When a function is called, linker locates it in the library and Inserts it into object program. If function name misspelled, linker will spot error because it cannot find function in library. Calculator This is use very frequently in everyday life by almost everyone . In this calculator we can only perform operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), division (%), multiplication(*), only integer valued functions. We get accurate values too . 2. Scientific Calculator This calculator can perform all the operations that normal calculator can do and it can also perform the operations like Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Inverse^-1 Angles: DEG, DMS, Time Memories: M, K1, K2 Programs: LRN, COMP, HLT, (x) 3. C-Programming 3.1 What is c- programming ? A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks . The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Java, and Pascal. Each language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. Regardless of what language you use, you eventually need to convert your program into machine language so that the computer can understand it. There are two ways to do this: compile the program , interpret the program . 3.2 Programming process 3.2.1 Analyze the Problem A programmer must know what information will go into the software, how it will process the information, and what will result. All software must work with three concepts to be successful: Input: Information that comes from an external source and enters the software an. Input can come from typing on a keyboard, from records in a database, or from clicking on image with the mouse Processing: Manages information according to a piece of softwares logic. Processing is what the software does to the input it receives. This can be anything from adding a few numbers together to mapping the earths climate. Output: The information software produces after it has processed input. Output can appear on a computer screen, in a printout, or in records in a database. 3.2.2 Develop an Algorithm Algorithms are the steps needed to solve a problem using pseudocode or flowcharts. After creating an algorithm, programmers will check it. A logic error is a mistake in the way an algorithm solves a problem. Programmers check their algorithms by inputting test data and checking the logic by hand or with a calculator. 3.2.3. Document the Program: pseudocode Pseudocode uses English statements to create an outline of the necessary steps for a piece of software to operate. Programmers call these steps an algorithm. An algorithm is a set of specific steps that solves a problem or carries out a task. While there is no set of rules for writing pseudocode, it usually follows rules such as: Using simple English, Putting one command on a line, Placing any important words in bold, Starting from the top and work toward the bottom, Separating processes with spaces to form modules. 3.2.4 Write Code for the Program Code is when a programmer translates an algorithm into a programming language. 3.2.5 Run the Program Programmers also use program flowcharts to plot the softwares algorithm. A program flowchart is a graphical depiction of the detailed steps that software will perform. Unlike pseudocode, which has less structure, in flowcharts programmers must use symbols. 3.2.6 Testing the programs Debugging the process of finding errors in software code. Bugs are a common name for software errors. When programmers debug code, they look for syntax, run-time, and logic errors. Syntax errors mistakes in a software codes grammar. If you are supposed to use a semi-colon (;) and you use a colon (:) instead, you have made a syntax error. Run-time errors mistakes that occur when a programmer runs the software code . Logic errors mistake made in the way an algorithm solves a problem. 4. Types of programming 4.1 Object-oriented programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is any programming language that uses objects to code software. An object instance is an exact copy of an object in OOP. An event-driven language responds to actions users perform on the program. Its an event when you click on a button, use a pull-down menu, or scroll down a window. In an event-driven language, each event triggers the program to action. An OOP program models the world of active objects. An object may have its own memory, which may contain other objects. An object has a set of methods that can process messages of certain types. A method can change the objects state, send messages to other objects, and create new objects. An object belongs to a particular class, and the functionality of each object is determined by its class. A programmer creates an OOP application by defining classes. 4.2 The Main OOP Concepts Inheritance: a subclass extends a superclass; the objects of a subclass inherit features of the superclass and can redefine them or add new features. Event-driven programs: the program simulates asynchronous handling of events; methods are called automatically in response to events. OOP Benefits Facilitates team development and Easier to reuse software components and write reusable software. Easier GUI (Graphical User Interface) and multimedia programming . 4.3 Web-programming Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the basic language for web programming. JavaScript a scripting language that allows you to add interactivity and other features to a Web page. Java Applets A small piece of software that enables applications to run on a Web page. Dynamic HTML combines cascading style sheets, JavaScript, etc., to bring high interactivity to Web sites. VBScript an interpreted scripting language based on Visual Basic. It is similar to JavaScript but only Microsofts Internet Explorer Web browser can use it. Software Development Tools Editor: programmer writes source code for te program. Compiler: translates the source into object code (instructions specific to a particular CPU). Linker: converts one or several object modules into an executable program. Debugger: stepping through the program in slow motion, helps find logical mistakes (bugs). 5. Array Group of consecutive memory locations and Same name and type To refer to an element, specifying Array name and Position number Format: arrayname[position number] First element at position 0 and n element array named c: c[0], c[1]c[n-1] Array elements are like normal variables c[0] = 3; printf( %d, c[0] ); Perform operations in subscript. If x = 3, c[5-2] == c[3] == c[x] When declaring arrays, specify: Name, Type of array, Number of elements arrayType arrayName[ numberOfElements ]; int c[ 10 ]; float myArray[ 3284 ]; Declaring multiple arrays of same type and Format similar to regular variables int b[ 100 ], x[ 27 ]; Examples Using Arrays Initializers int n[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; If not enough initializers r there, rightmost elements become 0 and If too many are there then its a syntax error. int n[5] = {0} All elements is 0 C arrays have no bounds checking and If size is omitted, initializers determine it int n[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 5 initializers, therefore 5 this iselement array Character arrays String hello is really a static array of characters and Character arrays can be initialized using string literals char string1[] = first; null character terminates strings string1 actually has 6 elements char string1[] = { f, i, r, s, t, }; Access individual characters string1[ 3 ] is character s Array name is address of array, so not needed for scanf scanf( %s, string2 ) ; Reads characters until whitespace encountered and Can write beyond end of arrays. 5.1 Interpretation interpreter = program that executes program statements and generally one line or command at a time for a limited processing and its easy to debug, make changes, view intermediate results. 5.2 Compilation translates statements into machine language and does not execute, but creates executable program to perform optimization over multiple statements in order to changing requires recompilation and it can be harder to debug, since executed code may be different. 5.3 Compiling a C Program Preprocessor macro substitution and conditional compilation of a source-level transformations and output is still C. 5.4 Compiler generates object file from machine instructions. Source Code Analysis is a front end parses programs to identify its pieces variables, expressions, statements, functions, etc. depending on language (not on target machine). Code Generation is a back end generating machine code from analyzed source may optimize machine code to make it run more efficiently very dependent on target machine. Symbol Table map between symbolic names and items like assembler, but more kinds of information. 5.5 Linker combine object files (including libraries) into executable image. 5.6 Sorting Arrays Sorting data is Important computing application and eventually every organization must sort some data into Massive amounts of sorted information. Bubble sort (sinking sort) has Several passes through the array and Successive pairs of elements are compared in order to increasing order (or identical ), no change is there If decreasing order is done and if elements exchanged. 6. Algorithms There are many fundamental problems that arise in engineering and other areas of application. These include sorting data, searching for specific data values, numerical integration, finding roots of functions, solving ordinary differential equations and solving systems of linear equations and We will spend about four weeks studying important algorithms for these problems. Algorithms are the steps needed to solve a problem using pseudocode or flowcharts. After creating an algorithm and its programmers check its logic. A logic error is a mistake in the way an algorithm solves a problem. Programmers check their algorithms by inputting test data and checking the logic by hand or with a calculator. 7. IDE à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Integrated Development Environment The integrated development environment Combines editor, compiler, linker, debugger, other tools and Has GUI (graphical user interface), Compiles + links + runs at the click of a button Helps put together a project with several modules (source files) . Compiler: checks syntax and generates machine-code instructions so that its not needed to run the executable program to run faster . Interpreter: checks syntax and executes appropriate instructions while interpreting the program statements and must remain installed while the program is interpreted so the interpreted program is slower. Platform independent . Load from the Internet faster than source code. Interpreter is faster and smaller than it would be for Java source. Source code is not revealed to end users. Interpreter performs additional security checks, screens out malicious code. 8. Preprocessor Directives #include Before compiling, copy contents of header file (stdio.h) into source code. Then Header files typically contain descriptions of functions and variables needed by the program. no restrictions it could be any C source code #define STOP 0 Before compiling, it replaces all instances of the string STOP with the string 0 Called a macro and its Used for values that wont change during execution, but might change if the program is reused. (Must recompile) . main Function Every C program must have a function called main(). This is the code that is executed when the program is running. The code for the function lives within brackets. main() { /* code goes here */ } Variable Declarations Variables are used as names for data items. And Each variable has a type, which tells the compiler how the data is to be interpreted (and how much space it needs, etc.). int counter; int startPoint; int is a predefined integer type in C. Input and Output Variety of I/O functions in C Standard Library. And must include to use them. printf(%dn, counter); String contains characters to print and formatting directions for variables. This call says to print the variable counter as a decimal integer, followed by a linefeed (n). scanf(%d, startPoint); String contains formatting directions for looking at input. This call says to read a decimal integer and assign it to the variable start Point . Can print arbitrary expressions, not just variables printf(%dn, startPoint counter); Print multiple expressions with a single statement printf(%d %dn, counter, startPoint counter); Different formatting options: %d decimal integer %x hexadecimal integer %c ASCII character %f floating-point number Examples of C-Programming *Program to implement an array #include #include #define MAX 3 void insert ( int *, int pos, int num ) ; void del ( int *, int pos ) ; void reverse ( int * ) ; void display ( int * ) ; void search ( int *, int num ) ; void main( ) { int arr[3] ; clrscr( ) ; insert ( arr, 1, 11 ) ; insert ( arr, 2, 12 ) ; insert ( arr, 3, 13 ) ; printf ( nElements of Array: ) ; display ( arr ) ; insert ( arr, 2, 222 ) ; insert ( arr, 3, 333 ) ; printf ( nnAfter insertion: ) ; getch( ) ; } { int i ; for ( i = MAX 1 ; i >= pos ; i ) arr[i] = arr[i 1] ; arr[i] = num ; } { int i ; for ( i = pos ; i arr[i 1] = arr[i] ; arr[i 1] = 0 ; } { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i { int temp = arr[i] ; arr[i] = arr[MAX 1 i] ; arr[MAX 1 i] = temp ; } } { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i { if ( arr[i] == num ) { printf ( nnThe element %d is present at %dth position., num, i + 1 ) ; return ; } } if ( i == MAX ) printf ( nnThe element %d is not present in the array., num ) ; } } *Program to allocate memory dynamically for strings, and store their addresses in array of pointers to strings #include #include #include #include void main( ) { char *name[5] ; char str[20] ; int i ; clrscr( ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i { printf ( Enter a String: ) ; gets ( str ) ; name[i] = ( char * ) malloc ( strlen ( str ) + 1 ) ; strcpy ( name[i], str ) ; } printf ( nThe strings are: ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i printf ( n%s, name[i] ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i free ( name[i] ) ; getch( ) ; } 9. Conclusion and future work Conclusion Finally the conclusion is that a small study on the C-programming and how it is used to built scientific calculator. Future work The future work is that to implement scientific calculator based on the c-programming .

Friday, October 25, 2019

AIDS - Women Die Sooner than Men :: Science Health Diseases Essays

AIDS - Women Die Sooner than Men Given the varying types of gender-specific opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS such as cervical cancer, there is reason to believe that the biological progression of HIV/AIDS is different in women and men. Still, there is no conclusive evidence in support of the hypothesis that the progression of HIV/AIDS is more accelerated in women than it is in men. Regardless, the fact that women infected with HIV/AIDS become sicker faster and die sooner than men can be entirely attributable to social factors that do not depend on the scientific details of the HIV virus. Two social factors primarily responsible for the rapid demise of HIV-positive women in the United States are the mis- and under-representation of women in the national AIDS discourse and the disproportionate number of woman living in poverty. From the moment AIDS first appeared in the United States as "Gay-Related Immuno Deficiency", women (among others) were left out the national AIDS dialogue. Even though the first case of HIV/AIDS infection in an African-American woman was reported in 1982 (Goldstein 114), the general public believed for the most part of the 1980s that women would remain unaffected by the epidemic. Since then, women have been slowly incorporated into the national AIDS debate, albeit in a very limited and qualified manner. In her essay, "Seeing AIDS: Race, Gender, and Representation," Evelynn Hammonds recognizes an array of contemporary AIDS narratives depicting different female stereotypes, but contends that the majority of African-American women are not identifying with these narratives. In a study on commercial street sex workers, Kim Blankenship shows how such non-identification with an at-risk population can lead to a false sense of security while engaging in risky behaviors and can ultimately lead to a late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. This is particularly problematic for African-Americans, who will account for 64% of new infections among women in the year 2002 according to the Center for Disease Control but do not "see" themselves as being affected by the epidemic. Consequently, African-Americans women will be diagnosed later in the progression of HIV/AIDS than men, the vast majority of whom identify themselves either with the at-risk population of men who have sex with men or with that of intravenous drug users (IDU). These women will therefore become sicker faster and die sooner. Another mis-representation of women in the AIDS epidemic that contributes to the speedy progression of HIV/AIDS in females is the characterization of women as "vectors" of transmission.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gender and Development: Issues and Implications

N. Santosh Ranganath Faculty Member Department of Commerce & Management Studies, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam. The ‘women and development’ approach is introduced and focused on the relationship between capitalism and patriarchy which considered to be the women will be subordinated to men as long as capitalism is the dominant economic system. Critics of this perspective say it fails to address differences in the inequalities experienced by different communities of women, and does not recognize the fact that patriarchy exists in communist societies as well as in capitalist ones.Next, the ‘gender and development’ perspective is introduced as a holistic analytical tool that can be used to provide an overview of the realities of development. Associated with ‘women for a new era’, GAD sought to dismantle notions about what is considered masculine or feminine, as well as the power dynamics that result from these assumptions. The’ ef fectiveness’ approach is also introduced and related to the WID approach in its quest to shed light on the vital role women play in production.The recent ‘mainstreaming gender equality’ initiative is also presented, and its intention to put gender at the forefront of all social policy, including that of development, is explained. The relationship between poverty and gender is made explicit throughout and this connection is attributed to factors such as unequal access to education and property rights. One of the main issues in regard to the service sector is the variety of activities that are encompassed by that term.Thus the effect of liberalization on, for example, financial services, will be quite different for women who may be primarily affected as consumers than the liberalization of other industries within that sector which may affect women also as workers. Many of the concerns over the possible effect of trade liberalization on women have been informed by t he previous experience of public sector privatization and economic austerity experienced under the Structural Adjustment Programs implemented since the 1980’s.Yet, given that trade liberalization as we see it today is a fairly recent phenomenon, it is difficult to assert with precision what are the effects of liberalization on men and women. For the reasons explained above, women as a group may face more obstacles in taking advantage of the changing economic structure, especially in converting new opportunities into long-term improvements. But women do not form a homogenous group and thus the impact of liberalization will likely be differentiated.Many of the issues and questions that arise today and which have drawn opposition to trade liberalization are also linked to the fact that trade agreements and trade liberalization have become more encompassing and thus moved beyond the original agreements on goods. The expansion of liberalization to such areas as services raises new questions as more sectors of society become affected by these changes.Because of the structure of gender relations, it is possible those women will be affected differently than men by the opening of markets to foreign competition and that their capacity to adapt to new economic conditions will also be different. If this is the case, the capacity of women to take advantage of the new opportunities while minimizing the negative impact of liberalization is crucial to ensure that women, those who depend on them and society as a whole benefit from the current changes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Personal Ethical Dilemma Essay

An international food party was conducted, during my sojourn in Japan as an exchange student. Since, I was the chairperson of the Korean language club; I ventured to prepare cheyookbogeum or Korean food for this party. I endeavored to do so only after consulting with the other members of the club and eliciting their opinion. Due to close collaboration between the club members, the venture depicted remarkable progress. During the course of preparing the food, I was constrained to decide whether to add MSG to the food. I had to undergo quite a bit of consternation regarding this decision, the party as such, was not all that big and this made me opt for the easy way out. However, I was not spared from having to scrutinize the situation precisely. The primary issue that I had to take into consideration was that addition of MSG to the food would improve its flavor and this would result in a larger number of people buying it. This would bring about a natural increase in profits, which would enable me to donate more money and provide incentives to the members who were making preparations for the party. Unfortunately, MSG does not promote good health and its prolonged use consumption could prove deleterious. In addition, if consumers came to know about having consumed MSG at a later date, they might develop a dislike for the food, which could even lead to their abstention from such food. Thus, by avoiding the addition of MSG, I would be behaving in an ethical manner, as I would have exhibited greater concern for the health of the consumer. Nevertheless, I could refrain from adding the MSG and promote the food as being prepared from solely fresh ingredients. Since, the flavor would not be all that appealing to the consumers; it would be difficult to realize profits. All the same, this food could be promoted as health food and then there might be a chance of making greater profits. All said and done, this issue was not of sufficient significance to affect the community. However, it provided me with an opportunity to adopt not only the perspective of a consumer but also that of a representative of the company. Moreover, I learned that one should take into account, long term perspectives, while taking decisions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Independent Presidents Who Won in U.S. History

5 Independent Presidents Who Won in U.S. History Donald Trump has said he might run for president in 2016 as an independent if he doesnt get the respect or the nomination from Republicans. And if you think launching an independent presidential campaign is a fools errand - the chances of winning are infinitesimal - consider the impact Ralph Nader, Ross Perot and others like them have had on the electoral process.   What Is an Independent Candidate? The primary role of the independent candidate in modern politics is that of spoiler. And while spoiler is an unpopular role to play he is often able to leverage his position to curry favor for himself and friends. Trumps currency of choice seems to be attention, and as long as hes getting some its very likely the billionaire real estate developer might just blow enough of his own money to hang around through the 2016 general election. The question Republicans are asking is whether Trump would siphon off enough votes from the Republican presidential nominee so as to hand the presidency to the Democrats. Many conservatives had openly raised the theory that Donald Trump ran as an agent of the Democratic Party, and in particular the Clintons, so as to hand the White House to Hillary. So which independent presidential candidates have done the best? And how many votes did they pick up? Heres a look at the most successful independent presidential candidates in history and how they affected the results. Ross Perot The billionaire Texan Ross Perot won a startling 19 percent of the popular vote in the 1992 presidential election in what many believed was the beginning of a third party in American politics. Democrat Bill Clinton won the election and unseated Republican incumbent President George H.W. Bush, a rare defeat in American politics. Perot also won 6 percent of the popular vote in the 2006 election. Ralph Nader The consumer and environmental advocate Ralph Nader won nearly 3 percent of the popular vote in the close 2000 presidential election. Many observers, primarily Democrats, blame Nader for costing Vice President Al Gore the election against Republican nominee George W. Bush.   John B. Anderson Andersons name is one few Americans remember. But he won nearly 7 percent of the popular vote in the 1980 presidential election won by Republican Ronald Reagan, who pushed Democrat Jimmy Carter out of the White House after one term. Many people blamed Anderson for Carters loss. George Wallace In 1968 Wallace won 14 percent of the popular vote. Republican Richard Nixon defeated Democrat Hubert Humphrey in that election, but Wallaces showing was impressive for an American Independent.   Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt won more than 27 percent of the vote in 1912 when he ran as a progressive candidate. He didnt win. But carrying a quarter of the vote is impressive, especially when you consider the Republican nominee, William Howard Taft, carried only 23 percent. Democrat Woodrow Wilson won with 42 percent of the vote.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Differences between groups and teams

Differences between groups and teams Many organizations comprise of both groups and teams as part of workplace dynamics. A group consists of a number of individuals assembled together with a unifying objective of attaining a certain goal (Katzenbach Smith, 1993, p. 1).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Differences between groups and teams specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, a team is a group of people which differs from the group in terms of design features and characteristics. (Armstrong, 2010, p. 1). Most organization managers use these two tools to distinguish matters relating to delegation, roles and responsibilities. Teams and groups differ in a number of aspects: Age Usually, teams have a relatively small number of people while a group comprises of a bigger number. According to Katzenbach Smith (1993, p. 1), a team cannot be naturally big and therefore, the definable membership number is 12 persons at maximum and 2 at minimum. Groups consist of more than 12 persons. Pool of Skills A team pools together complementary but varying skills that could not be done on an individual level (Katzenbach Smith, 1993, p. 1). The different skills, knowledge, perspectives and strengths of each member in the team are identified and utilized. On the other hand, group members usually have an array of similar knowledge and skills in a certain field such as marketing. Roles and Responsibilities Team members are very flexible while performing their tasks in that they have an open platform that allows them to contribute in various aspects of duties and responsibilities. Roles and tasks keep on changing depending on the expertise and experience pertinent to the work being performed. Group members are assigned roles and tasks that do not change hence making them rigid. Relationships Members of a team normally have close relationships since their interaction is fairly open, more relaxed and less formal. Group members are conform ed to professional and laid down company ethical guidelines. This brings about strict professional interactions among members. Performance Goals and Objectives Team members usually share a common task which is of a limited scope and has clear defined objectives and timelines for which every member is individually and collectively accountable (Robbins and Judge, 2009). In a group, the members work towards a greater objective such as a mission statement for the organization which is not specific on timelines.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Approach to the Purpose A sense of shared purpose is a main objective which is guided by the team’s mission. The members identify what they have to achieve and then set the norms and values to guide them through their assignment and tasks. Groups work in line with the rules, norms, values and guidelines already set by the organization and cannot alter them. Accountability The outcome of team members is as a result of collective effort. In a group, the contribution of each member is what matters at the outcome level. (Armstrong, 2010, p.1). Members of a group are individually accountable whereas team members help each other out in accomplishing the purpose for which they joined the group. Synergy This is a term that is consistently and often used by team leaders. It conforms to the collective effort and combination of team members’ skills to yield greater results as opposed to individual efforts. Group members, on the other hand, have already set roles and hence they have no platform to perform other tasks. Leadership and Hierarchical Structures In a team, the members share and take turns in leadership positions. Team managers in a team are referred to as team leaders. This helps in performance because each task requires certain skills thereby giving a member who is most experienced and hol ds quality expertise in the field, the responsibility to spear-head the task. This assists in growth of members, both socially and professionally, since it gives room for each member to continue developing and sharpening their presentation and communication skills. In a work group, a leader is regarded as the most powerful with the responsibility of directing activities, assigning tasks, establishing schedules and monitoring the quality and contributions of each member of the group. This limits the other members’ room for development of leadership skills. Workplace diversity The diversity contained within teams and groups in any organization represents a pool of human resources and capability of the organization. Workplace diversity presents a platform of creating effective and dynamic teams for particular projects (Armstrong, 2010, p.1). Teams create room for brainstorming, creativity and innovation coupled with collaborative commitment, result orientation and cooperation wh ich are inherent in groups’ results to the development of ideas and solutions. This means that team dynamics are essential to any organization’s productivity. On the other hand, organizational culture and philosophies contribute a great length to the team dynamics.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Differences between groups and teams specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An organization that recognizes the knowledge and potential of its employees stands a better chance of creating a strong team for any given project. Organizational management that seeks to know the diversity and styles of work habits (Katzenbach Smith, 1993, p. 1) coupled with similarity of values, extensive skill and experiences of its employees, has additional advantage of creating an efficient team. In conclusion, any organizational culture in any working environment always has an impact to its success or failure. This, therefore, r epresents a direct intersection of groups and neither teams in any organization in that neither group nor team can work exclusively in any successful organization. Reference List Armstrong, T. (June 18, 2010). Teams in the Workplace. Helium. Web. Katzenbach, J. Smith, D. (1993). Team Tactics: The Critical Difference between Groups and Teams. Harper Business. Retrieved from Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T.A. (2009). Organizational behavior: understanding work teams. (13th edition). Prentice Hall.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Pejoration in Language

Definition and Examples of Pejoration in Language In linguistics, pejoration is the downgrading or depreciation of a words meaning, as when a word with a positive sense develops a negative one. Pejoration is much more common than the opposite process, called amelioration. Here are some examples and observations from other writers: Silly The word silly is a classic example of pejoration, or gradual worsening of meaning. In early Middle English (around 1200), sely (as the word was then spelled) meant happy, blissful, blessed, fortunate, as it did in Old English. . . . The original meaning was followed by a succession of narrower ones, including spiritually blessed, pious, holy, good, innocent, harmless. . . . As the form (and pronunciation) sely changed to silly in the 1500s, the earlier meanings passed into increasingly less favorable senses such as weak, feeble, insignificant. . . . By the late 1500s, the words use declined to its present-day meaning of lacking good sense, empty-headed, senseless, foolish, as in This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard (1595, Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream). (Sol Steinmetz, Semantic Antics: How and Why Words Change Meanings. Random House, 2008) Hierarchy Hierarchy shows a similar, though more pronounced, deterioration. Originally applied to an order or a host of angels from the fourteenth century, it has steadily moved down the scale of being, referring to a collective body of ecclesiastical rulers from c. 1619, from whence the similar secular sense develops c.1643 (in Miltons tract on divorce). . . . Today one frequently hears of the party hierarchy, business hierarchies, and the like, denoting only the top of the hierarchy, not the whole order, and conveying the same nuances of hostility and envy implied in elite.(Geoffrey Hughes, Words in Time: A Social History of the English Vocabulary. Basil Blackwell, 1988) Discreet [U]sing language to spin may worsen the meaning of the substituted language, a process linguists call pejoration. That has happened to the previously innocuous adjective discreet, when used in personal columns as a euphemism for illicit sexual meetings. A recent Wall Street Journal article quoted the customer service manager of an online dating service as saying he banned the use of discreet from his service because its often code for married and looking to fool around. The site is for singles only.(Gertrude Block, Legal Writing Advice: Questions and Answers. William S. Hein, 2004) Attitude Let me give one final example of this kind of semantic corrosionthe word attitude. . . . Originally, attitude was a technical term, meaning position, pose. It shifted to mean mental state, mode of thinking (presumably whatever was implied by someones posture). In colloquial usage, it has since deteriorated. Hes got an attitude means hes got a confronting manner (probably uncooperative, antagonistic); something to be corrected by parents or teachers. Whereas once this would have been rendered Hes got a bad attitude or an attitude problem, the negative sense has now become overwhelming.(Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011)​ Pejoration and Euphemism One specific source of  pejoration is euphemism . . .: in avoiding some taboo word, speakers may use an alternative which in time acquires the meaning of the original and itself falls out of use. Thus, in English, disinformation has replaced lying in some political contexts, where it has recently been joined by being economical with the truth.(April M. S. McMahon, Understanding Language Change. Cambridge University Press, 1999) Generalizations About Pejoration Some few generalizations are possible:Words meaning inexpensive have an inherent likelihood to become negative in connotation, often highly negative. Lat. [Latin] vilis at a good price (i.e. inevitably, low price) commonplace trashy, contemptible, low (the current meaning of It. [Italian], Fr. [French], NE. [Modern English] vile).Words for clever, intelligent, capable commonly develop connotations (and eventually denotations of sharp practice, dishonesty, and so on: . . . NE crafty dishonestly clever is from OE craeftig strong(ly)l skillful(ly) (NHG [New High German] krftig strong; the ancient sense strong, strength of this family of words fades very early in the history of English, where the usual senses pertain to skill).NE cunning has very negative connotations in present-day English, but in Middle English it meant learned, skillful, expert . . ..(Andrew L. Sihler, Language History: An Introduction. John Benjamins, 2000) Pronunciation: PEDGE-e-RAY-shun Also Known As: deterioration, degeneration EtymologyFrom the Latin, worse

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Essay Example The "four buildings" that did not collapse instantaneously sustained extensive damage from the rubbles and were finally demolished. At the same time, a different grouping of the same terrorist crashed "American Airlines Flight 77" into the "Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia" (Cable News Network, 2006). The fourth Airline, United Airline Flight 93, crashed into a field near the "town of Shankville in Somerset County, Pennsylvania" (Cable News Network, 2006). Besides the "nineteen hijackers" in the four separate incidences, "two thousand nine hundred and four" other individuals died immediately due to the direct attacks (Cable News Network, 2006). Moreover, the death of not less than one person was reported as a result of the "exposure to the dust" that resulted from the World Trade Centre. Moreover, another twenty persons are missing and assumed dead (Cable News Network, 2007). According to National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, chapter 5, the victims of this incidence were mo stly civilians. According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (2005) som... One building collapsed as a result of the impact of the rubble from the "twin towers" (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). The terrorists took control of the airplanes using "box-cutter knives and knives" where they killed flight attendants, pilot and the passenger s (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). They used "tear gas" or "pepper spray" to keep passengers out of the "first-class" cabin (Mike, 2004). Bomb threats were made on three of the aircraft, but not on American 77. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the 'bombs" were probably fake. The 9/11 Commission further established that two of the hijackers had recently purchased "multi-function hand tools." The media as well as individuals gave "contradictory and unconfirmed" information (Michael, 2006). Out of the "two thousand nine hundred and seventy four" fatalities, 246 were aboard the plane, 125 were at the pentagon and 2, 603 were from New York. (Cable News Network, 2006). The 9/11 Commission reported that hundreds were killed instantaneously by the impact while others were trapped in the towers and died after it collapsed. According to the commission, about "eighteen people" managed to escape form the tower before it collapsed. Some people jumped from the "burning towers" and landed on the streets and rooftops of adjoining building many feet below (Dennis and Moore, 2002). Moreover, some people in the tower climbed to the roof in hope of rescue but there were no plan for a helicopter rescue. The doors leading to the roof were locked and severe heat as well as thick smoke engulfed the whole area such that it would have been impossible for a "helicopter to land" (CBS, 2004).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Medical Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medical Career - Essay Example Significantly, the career of a medical physician offers me with ample opportunities and challenges to make me worthwhile to the humanity as it provides room for service, action, respect, security, excitement, mobility, and flexibility both in my career as well as personal life. Medicine is one of the very few effective career choices which fulfils these features of a rewarding career and offers better opportunities for service. Above all, it allows the leeway to grow in the area of Human biology which is one of my important interest-areas. The wider scope of this noble profession is an important factor affecting my choice of medicine as a career. "Most doctors' professional lives are filled with caring for people and continuously learning more about the human body. Every day in communities around the country, doctors work in neighbourhood clinics, hospitals, offices, even homeless shelters and schools to care for people in need. But physicians also do many other things People with me dical skills are in demand everywhere." (Exploring a Medical Career). In other words, a doctor's career is marked by a wider variety of opportunities, as compared to any other profession and there are physician researchers, academic physicians, and practitioners of various other spheres of medicine. Whereas the physician researchers are engaged in efforts to develop exciting new treatments for cancer, genetic disorders, and infectious diseases such as AIDS, the academic physicians share their skills and wisdom by teaching medical students and residents and others who work with health maintenance organizations, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, health insurance companies, or in corporations directing health and safety programs. This wider opportunity in the medical career has been one of the reasons for my choice of this career. Significantly relevant to my choice is also the fact that medical career has several personal, intellectual, and financial rewards that attract me toward this career. It is essential here to make clear that the career development opportunity promised by medicine has great implications in my life as I always have given importance to human biology and wished to have a career growth in this stream. Human biology has been a great fascination for my career dreams and researches related to genetic variation, biological variation, degenerative diseases, infectious diseases, human growth development, and bio-demography etc have great scope in my academic interests. Of all these, biodiversity and genetic diversity have attracted me very much and several topics of personal reading comprised topics related to genetic diversity including genetic characteristics, population genetics, gene diversity, heterozygosity etc. I have been very much interested in the developments and inventions in the medical field of genetics and the application of genetics to human biology. Every time I read about some achievements and inventions in the field of genetics, I was fasci nated towards the capturing capacity of medicine. The understanding of all these factors along with determination for further studies and researches in these areas has been important factors determining my choice to pursue medicine. Primarily, it is the scope of medicine for growth and development in such vital areas of human knowledge, and the opportunity for building up a bright career in the best interest of

EHR Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EHR - Assignment Example The system should be able to provide patients with access of their information enabling home monitoring and especially of chronic diseases. The data it stores electronically should be able to be accessed by other similar systems on the state or even federal level because of disease surveillance data. The act deals with the technology in health information and especially that which deals with the privacy and security of the patients’ information in health care facilities. It deals with electronic transmission of health information which is the role of EHR. The HITECH Act therefore examines the HER and ensures that that records it stores of patients are secured and remain private failure to which civil and criminal legal action will be undertaken (American Health Lawyers Association, 2006). The government incentives for adoption of the EHR system are monetary. Doctors and hospitals which adopt the system within a certain period of time will be receiving money as incentive and in order to attract more doctors to adopt the system. The incentive money reduces as time passes. The ramifications of lack of adoption are a certain percentage cut of the Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements that physicians normally receive from government. The first requirement is to have money to purchase the system and set it up in the relevant departments or according to the goals set within the organization. The other requirement is to have people with expert knowledge of the system to operate it as well as to teach the rest of the staff who will be handling the system how to use it and repair it (Hebda, Czar & Mascara, 2012). Certified EHR is the technological system that is tailored towards specifically meeting the functionality and security required by the user. The certification maintains data sharing and confidentiality as well as keeping the system secure. This is important if the HITECH Act rules are to be adhered

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Marketing Models - Essay Example These are responding to customer needs which will drive company success. Electronic marketing and technology will enable us to relate to the classics. Riley (2012) notes that cheaper and faster will allow businesses to execute strategies that would be impossible before. Consumer wants are constantly changing faster in the 21st century compared to past years. This is due to easy access to products through internet, electronic and print media. Industries are flooded with same products hence customers should to be aware of your business and what it offers. Consumer awareness can be fully achieved through marketing. So as a business person, one must always be focusing into the future. Most Small Micro Enterprises always sideline marketing citing expenses. Small businesses operate mostly on no-frills thus view marketing as expensive. Question that arises is how in absence of marketing one suggests to acquire the much wanted client base that affect sales. Many businesses are in operation and competition cut throat in the 21st century due to improved innovation. Without effective marketing of products, brand Image Company’s are deemed to fail in the start up stages, Riley (2012) Marketing campaign decisions must be drawn to sway sales and consumers. Generally a business could swap sales team size, price and advertisement budget. Marketing process invloves situational analysis, marketing strategy, market mix decision and implementation and control. Because the product already exists in the market and at its maturity stage, the market mix process would be applicable. Several tools are used by marketers to create the desired feedback from target consumers. These set of tools are called marketing mix. At the market mix level, planned decisions are drawn for controllable indicators. The most applicable indicator for the product is product promotional assessment. The main marketing

Why Do Religions Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Why Do Religions Exist - Essay Example In Sri Lanka, a Buddhist Monk walks effortlessly along a pebbled pathway meditating in a Monastery garden. At the same time, a prophet in Israel announces the coming of the ‘Day of the Lord.’ Such activities have been going on for many years, and they are likely to continue for longer (Houtman, 2010). Scholars have been trying to explore and comprehend the idea about religion, Nevertheless, for a long time, they have not been able to state precisely what religion is. They have always tried to define religion but always come up with less satisfying results. Regardless of how carefully they define the concept of religion, others will always indicate what the definition has left out (Evans, 1985). When someone poses a question, what religion is, one may point to a church, a mosque, a temple, a Sikh Gurdwara or any other sacred place of worship and claim that people who go to this places are religious. He will draw attention to the places of worship and the people who go the re. He will also site sacred texts such as the Bible and the Koran. Many have tried to understand religion based on its effect on society and individual persons. Scholars have been trying to explain the universal existence of religion in all cultures. Every culture has some system of supernatural beliefs; however, it is not possible to prove beyond doubt that any supernatural powers such as gods, witches, angels or devils exist. Moreover, these supernatural powers do not always work as effectively as practitioners want. For instance, praying to God for the recovery of a sick person but the person dies, a ritual specialist conducts a rain dance, but it still does not rain: or relatives sacrificing a goat at the gravesite of the ancestor-god, but drought still destroys them (James, 2008). Nonetheless, disengaging certain characteristics from the totality of human life and labeling it as religion receives considerable support by the fact that such gestures are clearly different from or dinary ways of behaving. Religious activities often take place in an artificially contrived time, space or a certain mode of consciousness. Liturgical calendars’, Sacred places, meditative moods, extraordinary fasting, exceptional communal or private actions, meditating, sacrificing, prophesying, praying, self-denial are some of the gestures that give a notion of being a stylized divergence from normality. They all have a quality of caricature, play-acting, and sometimes unnaturalness. They stand out so obviously from every day such that they are difficult to avoid. They have a special name, and that is ‘religion’. However, there is no single anniversary accepted definition of religion (Evans, 1985). Experts disagree with regard to the definition so much that religion is one thing to Anthropologist, another to the Sociologist and Another to the psychologist. Consequently, there is a great variety of religious theories of the nature of religion. Definition of reli gion can be too broad and may include what dominates or appear to be the ultimate concern in the human life; Children, Home, Work Entertainment among others. Religion can also mean to bid worshippers to the deity by observance of cultish ceremonies and acts of devotion. Max Weber argues that trying to define religion as a scholar of religion at the start is a mistake.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Origins of Shintoism and it's impact on pre-modern Japan Research Paper

Origins of Shintoism and it's impact on pre-modern Japan - Research Paper Example The followers of Shintoism are expected to follow four affirmations in their everyday lives and in their ways of thinking. These affirmations are to the family, cleanliness, nature worship and matsuri which pertains to fiests and festivals dedicated to the spirits "kami". Ancient Japan is well known for images of geishas, samurais and great battles better known as the Tokugawa period. However, Classical Japan, also known as the Heian era, is more peaceful in comparison. The capital of Japan moved to Heian-Kyo in 796, which translates to the â€Å"capital of peace and tranquility† which will later on be known as Kyoto. Emperors were strong during the early parts of this period and had a continuing relationship with China. (1) In 894, the communications between Japan and China ceased to non-existent and Chinese influence to the Japanese nation gravely declined. It is then that the nation truly developed its own culture and society. The Heian era is a period known for the manifes tation of great arts and music like â€Å"gagaku† which is an imperial court music and poetry. Gagaku was a tradition introduced by China which was then performed during special occasions. (2) The great influence of Shintoism will be seen through the unsparing ritual feasts which have started to take place in temples and have been recorded in various diaries and novels. During this period, Buddhism is also known to spread rapidly among the 1†Insei: abdicated sovereigns in the politics of late Heian Japan†. GC Hurst. 1976. 2†Institution, ritual, and ideology: The twenty-two shrine-temple multiplexes of Heian Japan†. AG Grapard. 1988 people, although it coexisted with Shintoism rather than cause conflicts. With was the slow but sure development of Japan's own concepts of independence from the Chinese influence. The power of the emperor continued to decline over time which eventually, despite the existence of an Emperor during this era, the position was m erely of a figurehead ruler without true power. The real power in this period lies with the Fujiwara clan, mostly due to the political haggling. Several problems have arisen during this period which brought about the eventual downfall and end of this era. (3) The effectiveness of the government declined and Taika reforms have failed. Taika reforms is a tax structure which gives heavy taxes to the farmers but none to the shrines and temples which were quite abundant. The income of the state as well as the public's welfare showed a very significant decrease. The dangers of the consequences of this state of the economy have brought on increasing public outrage. Landowners and nobles who have lost their powers alike have felt threatened enough to employ the services of protectors, giving rise to samurais, in order to protect themselves. Provincial governors have become, in general, corrupted and lazy. The welfare of the public was ignored and the aristocracy of the court became decadent and useless. Leading clans by this time were the Minamoto and the Taira families. By this time, even monasteries were maintaining their own military forces. One of the incidents that clearly elaborated this increasing power struggle occurred in 903. Tara-No-Masakado, who was the leader of the Kanto district decided to revolt against the government with his refusal to pay taxes. He established his own kingdom and threw out the nobles and kept the power to himself, although his claim to power to success was short-lived. Another bushi house

Why Do Religions Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Why Do Religions Exist - Essay Example In Sri Lanka, a Buddhist Monk walks effortlessly along a pebbled pathway meditating in a Monastery garden. At the same time, a prophet in Israel announces the coming of the ‘Day of the Lord.’ Such activities have been going on for many years, and they are likely to continue for longer (Houtman, 2010). Scholars have been trying to explore and comprehend the idea about religion, Nevertheless, for a long time, they have not been able to state precisely what religion is. They have always tried to define religion but always come up with less satisfying results. Regardless of how carefully they define the concept of religion, others will always indicate what the definition has left out (Evans, 1985). When someone poses a question, what religion is, one may point to a church, a mosque, a temple, a Sikh Gurdwara or any other sacred place of worship and claim that people who go to this places are religious. He will draw attention to the places of worship and the people who go the re. He will also site sacred texts such as the Bible and the Koran. Many have tried to understand religion based on its effect on society and individual persons. Scholars have been trying to explain the universal existence of religion in all cultures. Every culture has some system of supernatural beliefs; however, it is not possible to prove beyond doubt that any supernatural powers such as gods, witches, angels or devils exist. Moreover, these supernatural powers do not always work as effectively as practitioners want. For instance, praying to God for the recovery of a sick person but the person dies, a ritual specialist conducts a rain dance, but it still does not rain: or relatives sacrificing a goat at the gravesite of the ancestor-god, but drought still destroys them (James, 2008). Nonetheless, disengaging certain characteristics from the totality of human life and labeling it as religion receives considerable support by the fact that such gestures are clearly different from or dinary ways of behaving. Religious activities often take place in an artificially contrived time, space or a certain mode of consciousness. Liturgical calendars’, Sacred places, meditative moods, extraordinary fasting, exceptional communal or private actions, meditating, sacrificing, prophesying, praying, self-denial are some of the gestures that give a notion of being a stylized divergence from normality. They all have a quality of caricature, play-acting, and sometimes unnaturalness. They stand out so obviously from every day such that they are difficult to avoid. They have a special name, and that is ‘religion’. However, there is no single anniversary accepted definition of religion (Evans, 1985). Experts disagree with regard to the definition so much that religion is one thing to Anthropologist, another to the Sociologist and Another to the psychologist. Consequently, there is a great variety of religious theories of the nature of religion. Definition of reli gion can be too broad and may include what dominates or appear to be the ultimate concern in the human life; Children, Home, Work Entertainment among others. Religion can also mean to bid worshippers to the deity by observance of cultish ceremonies and acts of devotion. Max Weber argues that trying to define religion as a scholar of religion at the start is a mistake.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Egyptian king Essay Example for Free

Egyptian king Essay The two sculptures that I chose to compare and contrast were the Cycladic Woman Figure and the Menkaure and Khamerernebty sculpture. Though each is from a distinctly different culture and historical time period, each depicts the female form in a unique and positive light, utilizing characteristic artistic details from the time period in which it was created to highlight the beauty of the female figure and her role in society. The Cycladic Woman Figure was sculpted from marble around 2600 and stands just over 24 inches high. At this height it is less than realistic life size, yet the statue embodies many feminine characteristics that seem to bring it to life. The lines of the statue are straight and the figure has a straight posture and rigidly folded arms. Horizontal lines are used to indicate the bends of her knees, while diagonal lines are used to outline her pubic area. In contrast, curved lines emphasize the rounded sides of her head and the most emphasized part of her physique, the curve of her hips. More subtle curves outline her breasts and abdomen. Her hips stand out from her otherwise straight posture, giving her wider dimension in this area. Her breasts and abdomen, in contrast, smoothly integrate with her straight figure and are more subtle representations of her femininity. This subtlety provides a pleasant balance to her straight posture. The color and texture are both smooth, with the marble being smoothed carefully to create a smooth composition from head to toes. The texture helps to create a balance between the straight lines at the top of her head, her arms and her feet and the curves of her chin, breasts and thighs. The visual rhythm of the statue is very vertical, and the eye is drawn up and down. Her legs are only very slightly parted, allowing for some light to come through. There is little shadow to the figure because her curves and arms are so subtly formed against the rest of her figure. All use of positive and negative space is done within the rigid posture of the figure and lends itself to an organic, human shape. Menkaure and Khamerernebty, sculpted around 2540 BC, stands over four feet tall, making it twice as large as the Cycladic Woman Figure. It depicts Egyptian king Menkaure and his queen, Khamerernebty. In both figures in the sculpture, similar smooth textures contrasting with sharp lines and straight postures mirror those of the previous statue. The pose of each figure is slightly different. Menkaure is seen in a more authoritative pose, one typical for figures of kings. His foot is forward, indicating authority, and his arms are straight at his sides with his hands clenched. Definition in his arm and chest muscles along with his prominent jaw line give him a sense of maturity and power while also giving depth to the overall sculpture. His physique lends itself to creating light and shadow in the sculpture and there is a sense of depth achieved in his foot being placed forward and his beard extending from his face. Next to Menkaure stands his queen, Khamerernebty. There is evident repetition in their facial features, as well as in the angular shapes of their feet. Her posture is as stiff as his, but her legs are together and straight. There is also repetition in detail and texture between his headdress and her hair, with both extending to the same length on each of their shoulders. There is movement and rhythm incorporated into the statue by her arm holding on to his in a gesture that is both feminine and strong. The lines of her arm are straight, but the softness of her hand both on his arm and around his side suggests love. Her breasts and pubic area are defined with soft, rounded lines. This emphasizes her femininity and serves to balance his rigid authority. The curves of her pubic area and breasts also create shadow in the statue. This shadow along with the shadow created by Menkaure’s extended foot take the eye away from the negative space created between the two figures. Both statues represent an important cultural relationship between the sculptor and the subjects. The Cycladic Woman Figure represented a reverence for the female form and an understanding of the importance of the role of the female in society. Woman’s ability to reproduce and create new life is praised in the softness of her abdomen and breasts. In contrast, the figure of Khamerernebty suggests not fertility, but female power. She is posed alongside her king, holding on to him, and several prominent details place her at the same height and stature as him, indicating her role in the kingdom. She is seen as a powerful and influential figure. Her curves suggest strength rather than fertility and her main role is that of ruler. Both figures represent the female form and concepts of femininity and strength that were important aspects of their culture. In each, the sculptor represented the essence of female beauty that was most important to that culture at the time, and created examples of two of the many aspects of women that make them strong, beautiful creatures that are vital to any civilization.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Faith Like Potatoes Theology Religion Essay

The Faith Like Potatoes Theology Religion Essay It has been the first Christian and one of the best movies I have ever seen. The biographical drama Faith like Potatoes has very deep meaning and inspirational power. Also, many Christian films not only lack a compelling story line and too easily slip into sentimentalism but the story of Angus Buchan is told beautifully in this visual art form and the message of prayer and faith. To begin with, I would say that the drama reveals much of what nowadays people face to- the crisis of faith. Angus is like portrayal of nowadays humanity. Even if he lives in South Africa where it seems that time should be less rapid and a person would have time for himself, Angus faces to the same problem as people living in a fast moving world. I am not sure whether I could call it a problem or obstacle that Angus and many other people face to- a frustrating mode of life. As a result it causes anger, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, and stress and depression. My point is that, ordinary people and the character in a movie face to the problem which is the lack of time, causing frustration and leading to abundance of oneself inner voice. The result is that people start looking for help which is a true relationship with God. Still, it is said that when people face to personal crises, they try to find help through faith and then changes occur, which usually are spiritual growth. The same happened with the character in the movie. As a result, changes started with Angus personality, attitude toward his family, faith, and work, too. Here I could say that work and faith are very closely related and important. Work is essential for Angus and his family. Farming is the only way that helps tem to live on. Later in the movie, I could say that farming become as a mean to express faith and as a way to glorify God. At the point, theological argument occurs whether God created man to glorify him? If people say they are created for Gods glorification, then implicitly people deny His aseity, implying some sort of lack or need in God. The aseity of God is a doctrine which says God is without any need.   One of the religious expressions in the workplace from the movie is, Faith is a day-to-day lifestyle and experience of Jesus Christ. Thats what we are experiencing at Shalom, when we plant in faith even in the dust and trust in him for the miracles of his love. It means that faith cannot be apart from our daily life situations. I suppose, work should be done faithfully and diligently because God provided us with it as a gift. There are many cases in the Bible written about work for the purpose readers to be aware of its essentiality. Many emphasizes on the theological point that people bring glory to God by working industriously, demonstrating what He is like, and serving others by cooperating with God to meet their needs. In serving others, they serve God and that is why people work matters to Him. Moreover, farming comes up various times in scripture when Jesus used many farming situations in His parables like  Matthew 13:1-23 and Paul discussed the parallels between farming an d the development of believers as in  1 Corinthians 3:1-9. Also, fir instance  2 Timothy 2:6  readers get to see themselves as farmers and has meaning as in the movie,too. With that privilege comes responsibility and If people going to enjoy the fruit of our labors, then they better be hardworking. The farmer who is not hardworking will reap what he sows-little or nothing. Continuously, the movie presents the audience the first missionary thoughts of Angus. It is believed that mission  needs to take a  central  part in the church. Of course, God needs to be in the center, but whatever people do in the church needs to be built around  Gods heart  for the world which He loves so much. Nowadays there are many churches that mission is still something that exists as  one of many projects  being run in the church. The Angus made huge contributions in revealing communitys faith and making the local church to be visible place. It leads to the theological assumption of Jesus not coming to be served but to serve, so the church does not exist to be served but to serve. In addition, the film depicts some incredible miracles that God accomplishes through and around Angus. Perhaps, the most inspiring part of the film is the point when, through the prayer of Angus, God raises to life a farm worker who had been struck dead by lightning. While the heart of the Gospel, that man is a sinner and can only be changed because of Christs redeeming work on the cross, is neglected, the message that God can transform lives comes through clearly in the film. Moreover, there are manay contraversal points in the movie. Buchan makes it clear that he has never heard the audible voice of God, and he qualifies his account of the woman being raised to life. The fact that God cannot be seen does not mean He cannot be known. Some men have chosen not to know God as they have denied Him by claiming that the world evolved randomly and naturally. But, if one were to look at the order of things as being held constant by the Creator, who created all things, one can begin to see the God who was and is powerful enough to create such a beautiful place even though He cannot be seen directly. In short, what makes Angus story such an inspirational is that it makes to consider ones own life. It inspires to be a better person, to believe more, and to have unwavering faith in the power of God. Moreover, the movie has many theological points to be brought up and discussed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

HRM Issues in China Essay examples -- Human Resources Management Chine

Issues affecting International Human Resource Management in China â€Å"Napoleon called China a sleeping dragon and said there would be woe to the world when the dragon awakes. As the world knows, the dragon is more than stirring.† Introduction The Chinese believe that the Great Dragon ruled the Middle Kingdom of the world for nearly four thousand years. For most of this period China was a great trading nation. Then the dragon fell asleep for two centuries, while China collapsed under the effects of colonialism, until in 1978 Deng Xiao Ping woke the dragon up. And now the Chinese dragon is back, hungry to take its place as the economic and cultural superpower of the 21st century. Nowadays China is often called the world’s largest market. Many people might think that it is very easy to start business in China and that success is guaranteed because of the huge potential of the market. But that isn’t true. Making successful business in China is not that easy as it might seem. There are many potential problems which can arise. For instance the Chinese civilisation is five thousand years old and because of that the Chinese culture, tradition and value system have a significant impact on the different business processes. As the largest country in population, China has 50 plus different minority groups of people each have its own culture, custom, norm, tradition, even unique holidays and languages. Also, as one of the top three nations in land size, China is geographically divided into many regional centres across the nation each has unique cultural aspects in terms of tradition, value, social norm, belief, and organisational features. Those unique cultural factors will present numerous challenges to foreign investors and international joint venture managers. In this essay I want to discuss issues effecting human resource management which is, according to many foreign executives, the greatest challenge for Western companies in China today. The significance of culture in international Human Resource Management According to Hofstede the influence of national culture is important to management for three reasons. The first is political and institutional. There are differences between the countries in formal institutions such as government, legal systems, educational systems, labour and employer’s association, and the way they are used. The secon... ...-158. Hofstede, Geert:, 1.12.2004. Huo, Paul / von Glinow, Mary Ann: On transplanting human resource practices to China: A culture-driven approach, International Journal of Manpower 16(9), 1995, p. 3 - 15. Huczynski, Andrzej / Buchanan, David: Organizational Behaviour – An Introductory Text, 4th edition, London: Prentice Hall, 2001. McClenahen, John S.: China’s Cultural Challenge, Industry Week 253(4), 2004, p. 10 - 12. Meier, Johannes /Perez, Javier /McKinsey: Solving the puzzle: MNCs in China, Business Source Premier Database, 1995. Scarborough, Jack: Comparing Chinese and Western Cultural Roots: Why ‘East is East and †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, Business Horizons 41(6), 1998, p. 43 - 50. Wang, Yuan / Zhang, Xin Sheng / Goodfellow, Rob: Business Culture in China, 1st edition, Singapore: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. Wilson, Jonathan / Brennan, Ross: Market entry methods for western firms in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 15(4), 2003, p. 3 - 18. Yang, Jiaqin / Lee, Huei: Identifying key factors for successful joint venture in China, Industrial Management & Data Systems 102(2), 2002, p. 98 - 109.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Importance of Self-Image in the Loman Family Essay example -- Literary

Published in 1949, Arthur Miller’s Death of Salesman is a post Second World War American drama that highlights the plight of isolation and desolation experienced by the common man, as symbolized by Willy. The play deals with the society, life’s absurdity, various internal and external conflicts, death and above all, the tragedy of existence. It is located in the industrial society of the twentieth century where the pressure to succeed and the financial difficulties seem insurmountable. The play depicts America as the land of opportunity as well as a place where the society has acquired a new set of values that threatens to destroy those who cannot abide by new changes. This paper discusses the importance of self-image in the Loman family and how the conceptions of self-image fuel the destruction of the characters. To begin with, the plot structure of the play does not follow a logical sense of development; rather the progression has an aesthetic appeal, which is similar to the concept of the â€Å"stream of consciousness† as propounded by Virginia Woolf. The main protagonist, Willy, is shown in a state of mind where time does not exist and his memories come in the ebb and flow of consciousness. The perception of facts, life, ideas, hopes, dreams and ambitions are shown personified in its characters whose maturity and immaturity determine the course of their lives. The protagonist is a deranged and disillusioned character who cannot come into terms with his life’s failures, compounded with the unstable life of his sons, Biff and Happy. This is a play which shows how the self perception of a character not only develops misleading self image in the mind of the character but influences how other characters perceive them. First... ...r the protagonist, his self image leads him to suicide. Willy Loman is neither a king nor a pauper, he is a common man who wanted to lead a life of self respect and own adequate material comforts for himself and his family. The Death of a Salesman is a tragic story. Works Cited Bloom, Harold. Arthur Miller. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. Print. Foster, Richard J. Confusion and Tragedy: The Failure of Miller's 'Salesman'. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. Print. Gordon, Lois. â€Å"Death of a Salesman": An Appreciation, in the Forties. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. Print. Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: Penguin Books, 1998. Print. Murphy, Brenda. Miller: Death of a Salesman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Print. Terkel, Studs. American Dreams Lost and Found. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Local Business Project Paper

Trends: young children people are looking for a healthier desserts teenagers people are looking for less expensive desserts implies young adults 4 Commencement of the Business â€Å"l didn't even like frozen yogurt. † When most people hear this quote, they wow old not think it sets the stage for a successful frozen yogurt restaurant. However, alt cough Mackey, the owner of Yogurts, said this, the restaurant is more successful than ever under his ownership. Most people think of a lively environment and healthy food when they hear the e words â€Å"frozen yogurt restaurant. Mackey and his family think on a much deeper level than j just this for their mission, vision, and objectives. Mackey says he wants people to think of the line e â€Å"proud immunity us porter† when one thinks of Yogurts. He and his family like to s purport the community in every way they can, and have a positive impact on the surround inning area. He told us that recently, his restaurant held a fundr aiser for Carmela Elementary and g eve them 20% of the profits they earned that day. Mackey and his family had numerous reasons for opening Yogurts.Although t hey had never operated in the frozen yogurt industry, they had multiple interesting id ease and reasons to open this restaurant. Interestingly enough, Mackey and his family owned 5 Us byway restaurants before purchasing Yogurts. This gave them enough interest and experience in the food industry to be motivated to diversify their ownership. They ended up selling one Of the Subway restaurants to invest in Yogurts because they wanted more freedom in operate ions and the ability to have fun and be creative. They invested in Yogurts at the end of May as a FAA mill.Originally, a doctor and a relative of the doctor owned the restaurant. Mackey was interest deed in purchasing Yogurts from them because he wanted to diversify his portfolio. At the time, h e only owned Subway restaurants in the Fishers and Ageist area. He was motivated t o open Yogurts because he knew his family would be able to run it in a relaxed atmosphere and not have to follow franchise regulations. Mackey balanced the risks and rewards of the frozen yogurt Indus try and ultimately decided to purchase Yogurts due to the opportune location.The ultimate pull factor that encouraged Mackey and his family to purchase You gurus is its prime location. It is located off of Meridian and Carmela Drive, which encomia sees a large amount of traffic. Yogurts is visible from Carmela Drive, and is located next to other businesses that draw in lots of customers, which ultimately helps them make money. This is analyzed in rater depth later on. Along with the location, the amount of space also once raged Mackey and his family to sign on the dotted line. The amount of square feet in Yogurts ma ekes it the largest frozen yogurt restaurant in the area.This allows Mackey to use the space in a creative and family friendly way, with multiple lager tables and a play ar ea for children that include sees a whiteboard for the kids to draw on. The setup also allows them to play sporting events on the main T -V. In order to entertain all the dads while blasting popular hit songs through the CE ailing speakers to create a partially atmosphere. The location exhilarated Mackey because it NV loves more than just traffic; it encompasses a felicitous location in central Carmela mixed with t heir opportune target market.Statements Vision: To be the most profitable frozen yogurt shop in the state while being a been Lent supporter to the community. 6 Mission Statement: For our company to sell the most frozen yogurt out Of any ice cream or yogurt shop in the city of Carmela each year by offering the highest quality and diverse selection of flavors and toppings. Slogan: For the health of it Yogurts did not have a vision statement so we decided to create one for them The vision statement is measurable and achievable in that we firmly believe that Yogurts is a SSI generic business.Between the group members, we have combined ate at many differ .NET frozen yogurt shops in which none have been superior to Yogurts. Between the quality of the Eire product, wide array of choices, and atmosphere of the venue, Yogurts differentiates itself FRR mom other individual frozen yogurt shops and even franchised ones. Not only does it strive to be a successful enterprise, but Yogurts exceedingly values its role in the community. The stats moment was based off the idea of receiving but then giving back.Being a business, the universal g AOL is to make a profit, but to Yogurt it is to then take their profits, turn around, and make an impact in the community. This vision statement provides the owners and employees a goal to strive for. Yogurts also did not have a mission statement, so we created one for them t hat was all encompassing to the company, and one that would motivate owners and me peoples to reach this competitive goal each year. It incorporates the â €Å"who†, Yogurts, the â€Å"what†, sell the most frozen yogurt compared to their competitors, and the â€Å"how', offering high quality an d diverse selection f flavors and toppings.The mission statement is specific, measurable, attain able, relevant, and time specific as well. The mission statement galvanism Yogurts to transcend t he other frozen yogurt stores in Carmela and be superlative in comparison to them in all facets 7 Merits of Small and Large Business Yogurts was originally started and owned by someone else, but Mackey Burch eased all of the equity, thereby becoming the new owner. After doing so, he converted the e business into a partnership, splitting the equity amongst his family members in the idea that eventually it will continue on as a family business.It is noteworthy that he considered it prefer able to remain a partnership rather than an LLC, a limited liability company, or a corporation b cause he felt keeping it as a partnership was more benefic ial, due to lower taxes, than the t radioed for less liability at this point in the business. This, however, would likely only be the ca SE for a small business. In the united States, a small business is a business that employs less than 500 people, and in a company like Yogurts, it would have to expand significantly to do that.It I s easier to remain a partnership as a small business, with smaller market and employee number , and avoid liability claims than it would be for a larger business. Another merit of a small business s is that they can be more flexible to the market demands than a large one could. This is a com pension for being in fewer markets, because they can more fully utilize their current one. This is where a local store knows to carry a specific item that the local Walter would not even co insider. Often times, smaller business will provide far superior products in comparison to lard egger ones.The famous Linton Burger chain, for example, pride themselves on superio r quail y by remaining a small business and keeping its supply chains short. In contrast, the benefits to being a large business are quite obvious. As a large r business, there is a huge amount of name recognition. There are undoubtedly few Poe peel in the civilized 8 world that are unfamiliar with companies such as Collate, Disney, or Google . Currently, Yogurts is not a well recognized business compared to the latter, however, the eye hold their own against the different frozen yogurt franchises such as Woozy and Orange Leaf.In addition, securing funds is significantly easier as a large business, as banks consider NV sting in them to be almost a sure thing. People are also more willing to leave their current jobs for a large business for this same reason: security. This aspect of a large business does c relate to Yogurts in that the owners have trouble finding employees that are not teenagers beck cause of their size. When scheduling the work hours for their employees, a large maj ority of the m can only work late a night or on the weekends because Monday through Friday they attend s school.Yogurts being categorized as a small business, makes it less attractive for people out o f college to apply to work their. Business Objectives Yogurts has many valuable objectives as a business, however the owners Spec official emphasized their operational goals. Mackey said he likes to challenge his ample eyes to work very efficiently. He encourages them to keep up with him while he works one of two registers, or while he restocks food and cuts fresh fruit. This helps employees feel like he s on the same level as him, not just a figurehead above them, and it also helps them learn to word k at a faster pace.This operational goal has proven to be successful for Yogurts, and has led the m to introduce new technology to their employees. A strategic objective of Yogurts, is to franchise the company. Since Mackey and family have worked with franchises for a long time, they know that they will b e able to use their 9 acquired skills in the frozen yogurt industry as well. Multiple people outfits e have asked Mackey to open up Yogurts restaurants in their respective states. A few exam less include Florida, Ohio, and Illinois.This positive feedback from customers and other b equines owners has encouraged Mackey to turn Yogurts into a franchise and illustrates that the You gurus business model is now a proven proof of concept in the market. This goal would not ha eve come about if it were not for his successful environment, yearning for feedback, and profession anally trained employees. Role of the Business Functions Human Resources does not have its own department in Yogurts since they on lye have 71 0 employees at a time. The owners of Yogurts directly interview and hire the Eire employees who need to be able to do maintenance and work the register.The owners alls o value an employee who is social and able to create small talk with the customers. They want t heir customers to feel welcomed, and to be assisted when needed, so therefore, t e owners take into consideration how cordial and outgoing an applier is when determining if that person should be hired or not. The owners personally train and work with their employees so the at they are as efficient as possible, and they directly deal with any issues that a worker may I impose, however, this is rare with the people that they employ.The finance and accounts aspect is also completed by the owners. As stated b before, the owners have a sufficient amount of personal money between them due to the e money that they had acquired from their Subways. The upper management of Yogurts is very organized as well, so all of their expenses are recorded and paid for on time. Financially speaking g, between their 10 personal money from the selling of one of their Subways, they were able to RA sis enough capital to fund the business and then take the money they made to reinvest back nit o the company in order for it to be financially independent.Frozen yogurt is an exceedingly popular product that grosses billions of dollar s of revenue each year while generating mass amounts of profit across the world. According to IBIS World, through 2008201 3, annually growth of the industry has been 21%. The SE facts substantiate that the frozen yogurt industry has an increasing market of new, loyal customers to support the frozen yogurt shops such as Yogurts.To capture the attention of these new customers, the marketing department for Yogurts (also the owners) use social media such as twitter and faceable to inform their followers about current deals or changes to the company that are being implemented. The owners do not believe in marketing in the newspaper because they hypothesize that it is a dying form of communication and would not be worth the money to attract their target market through. Who never advertising in the store or out of the store, they like to make them colorful and bright so t hat it catches the eye and encompasses the whole ideological feel of frozen yogurt.Overall, the marketing â€Å"department† could be stronger by finding new, ingenious ways to spread the word about Yogurts that could be seen or heard by a conglomerate group of people that lie eve in the area. Possible ideas could be a local commercial, or they could effortlessly advertise e through banners/ signs at high school sports events (like they have at Off the Wall Sports) or at different middle schools. 11 All in all, there is not a long, complex process to their operations. They buy the e frozen yogurt from another company and then stock the machines themselves.Cuts mores come In through the front doors and are directed to the yogurt machines through a p sage blocked off by a four foot wall. On their way in, overhead are large, flatterers T. V. S that expel main the process of how to assemble their customized product along with other important inform action such as the suggeste d flavor combination of the week. The employees station themselves behind the register surrounded by the topping bars. This layout gives the employees a 360 degree e workable space to assist customers by offering samples and answering questions while at the same time manning the register.The owners also manage inventory. They track and formulate statistics of which flavors and toppings are popular so that they know the quantity to order of each item as precaution to not waste product or understood themselves. The Four Business Sectors Yogurts uses resources from the primary and secondary sectors, and combines them into a tertiary business. Because Yogurts does not personally make their frozen yogurt with their own recipes, it an therefore be considered a retail business in the tertiary sector. Yogurts has two main 12 providers that they purchase their frozen yogurt from.They buy their yogurt by the quart, and then process it through their machines. In this way, they act as a seconda ry b equines due to the machine processing of their frozen yogurt. However, Yogurts provides a seen/ICC e to its customers so it is therefore mostly involved in the tertiary sector. The Six Core Concepts Change is evident in the history of Yogurts. They transitioned owners and have e been flourishing ever since. Not only this, but Yogurts has adapted in order to rest nod to competition, and to differentiate themselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Does Patriotism Still Matter?

Does Patriotism still Matter? Ah! You ask me,† Does patriotism still matter? † Well of course patriotism still matters! When you think of all of the love you receive for yourself, shouldn’t you apply that similar love to your country? I could definitely dig out a few explanations. Well first of all, without patriotism we wouldn’t have peace or stability. A good supportive foundation wouldn’t hurt, but bring healing to our soldiers who risk their lives to sacrifice themselves for the love, or patriotism, for their country.Also, during a present war, without patriotism, what is left in this world to support! Pretty much everything that our world is revolving around is war. Lastly, the peace and stability for one’s country is provided by their citizens who show their true patriotism. Second of all, a country without patriotism is like a dog without an owner. When a pup is hungry, an owner’s duty is to feed it, right? Well it’s the sa me with a country, because when a country is empty for patriotism it’s our duty to feed it with patriotism! What kind of a country would it be without the symbol of patriotism?We would be a stray! On top of that, countries are supposed to be united! Patriotism keeps countries together like a family. Being patriotic helps us recollect those who have lost their lives battling and fighting for the rights we own today. Just think, â€Å"What if I had family who fought and lost their life fighting for me? † Think back in history, even during the civil war when to regions of the U. S. were bludgeoning each other for the right of freedom of slavery. One of the most famous Generals, Stonewall Jackson, was killed fighting for his region.Patriotism is what held him up to lead up to his death. He was confident and patriotism motivated him. Or what about Major General Howe who lost his life in the Battle of Bunker Hill? He also was physically and emotionally motivated by patriotis m. Okay, I think that I have specified my hypothesis. The answer to the question, is patriotism still important, is strictly, yes! Patriotism plays a major role in modern society and is one of the main components in our political office. All I know is, I love my country like hot fudge on ice cream!